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Top 10 Things Baby Teachers Should Know About School Libraries

Top 10 Things Baby Teachers Should Know About School Libraries. 
by, Doug Johnson
Persistent link to the EBSCO article

Great info to share with new or newish staff members. You could give them a copy of the article, or use it as "cheat notes" for a staff meeting presentation at the beginning of the year.

Summary: "Elaborates factors that help to form a partnership between librarians and school teachers. Significance of considering the library an intellectual gymnasium; Aid provided by school librarians in planning projects; Importance of printed information resources in comparison with Internet."

First few paragraphs:
"Welcome to school. It's ever so nice to see your fresh, smiling face! I hope some of your eagerness and enthusiasm rub off on the rest of us, who've been here awhile. (A couple of us still yearn for the days of the one-room school.)

I'm the school media specialist. Or librarian, if you prefer. I answer to both. I recognize that your teacher preparation may not have given you much information about, or experience with, working with me or effectively using a library's resources. There's also a pretty good chance that the school library you used during your own school days was different from the program here.

To help us begin with a positive spin, here are a few things I'd like you to know about the library, our program, and me that can help us form a great partnership:..."