Library Links

"Content that might be of interest to Teacher-Librarians..."


Why teachers need to read Children's fiction

"Reading teachers talk a lot about finding that home run book for our students, the one book they discover that reveals how magical reading can be. We should talk more often about finding that home run title for teachers--the book that reveals the magic of children's literature to us. Well-written, engaging, meaningful books transcend age ranges and reading levels. If we expect to attain any level of expertise in teaching reading to children, we must become experts in the types of books our students read."

Literary History Site

Literary History is an index to full-text internet published articles
covering more than 250 major American and British writers.

"The  links take you directly to thousands of thought-provoking articles by
scholars, critics and poets, all screened by Jan Pridmore, an independent scholar specializing in English literature."
(There is some advertising on the site.)

From the site:
We exclude the commercial, the ungrammatical, the anonymous, the illegal, and we do everything we can, short of peer review, to weed out the unreliable. There is still much left that is solid, authoritative, and worth cataloging. And contrary to fears about the lack of persistence of web links, I've noticed in the twelve years I've maintained this site that much of the best material has been stable.

To Kill a Mockingbird - alternative titles

Alternatives/Parallels to To Kill a Mockingbird.
Here are some suggestions from LM-NET for titles to pair with or substitute for TKAM.
Please pre-read before assigning!

Dovey Coe - Frances O'Rourke Dowell
Peace Like a River - Leif Enger
Sources of Light - Margaret McMullan
Tall Grass - Sandra Dallas
Words by heart - Ouida Sebestain
Countdown - Deborah Wiles
Over and Under - Todd Tucker
The Help - Kathryn Stockett
Mudbound - Hillary Jordan
A Time to Kill - John Grisham

digital citizenship - Australian style

Cybersmart - from the Australian Communications and Media Authority.
Cybersmart provides activities, resources and practical advice to help young kids, kids, teens and parents safely enjoy the online world.

cybersmart. digital citizenship,


Citing eBooks?

What to do when using an eBook as a reference?
(From the Chicago style manual:)

Book published electronically
"If a book is available in more than one format, cite the version you consulted. For books consulted online, list a URL; include an access date only if one is required by your publisher or discipline. If no fixed page numbers are available, you can include a section title or a chapter or other number."

Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice. New York: Penguin Classics, 2007. Kindle edition.
Kurland, Philip B., and Ralph Lerner, eds. The Founders’ Constitution. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987. Accessed February 28, 2010.

For an article on this topic:

Math resources on EBSCO

Pass these links on to your Math-minded teachers!

"Scholastic Math"
Math magazine for general math students ages 12-16 and their teachers. Articles and activities focus on problem solving, math on the job, consumer math, and computation practice.
Teacher's edition:

"Scholastic DynaMath"
Includes exercises that help teach math, math articles that connect learning to the real world and interactive activities to get students excited about numbers.
Teacher's Edition:

"Micro Math"
Focuses on integrating ICT into mathematics classroom practice. Unique with lots of ideas for ICT in the math classroom. Includes articles, news & reviews.

"Connect Magazine"
Provides forum for educators interested in inquiry-based learning in science, math & technology. Support for problem solving skills, hands-on learning & interdisciplinary approaches.

"Australian Mathematics Teacher"
A medium for the exchange of ideas & experience in the teaching of elementary mathematics & for the instruction of teachers in the trends & developments of mathematics education at home & abroad. Aimed at teachers of mathematics in school years to 10.

"Australian Senior Mathematics Journal"
Serves all interested in the learning & teaching of mathematics to the secondary school years 11 & 12 & to the first few years of tertiary education at university, college & vocational institutions.

"Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom"
For anyone interested in primary mathematics education, but primarly for classroom teachers. Considers current issues, encourages reflection of practice, & promotes innovation as part of mathematical pedagogy.

"Mathematical Thinking & Learning"
Directed at researchers interested in mathematics education with a particular focus on mathematical thinking, reasoning and learning.
(with a 12 Month *Full text delay due to publisher restrictions) ("embargo")

EBSCO, Math,


Ten Steps to Better Web Research

What do teachers and students need to know about searching? Are there steps they can follow? Mark E. Moran & Shannon A. Firth from Dulcinea Media* present "Teaching the Ten Steps to Better Web Research" using Slideshare. You may be able to use part or all of this with your staff.  

(*Dulcinea Media provides free content & tools that help educators teach students how to use the Internet effectively.


Stenhouse Publishers Offer free previews

Pro-D opportunities abound: Stenhouse makes select titles available for online browsing.

Making the Match:
(The Right Book for the Right Reader at the Right Time, Grades 4-12) Teri Lesesne. published by: Stenhouse Publishers
Read the 1st Chapter for free
(Click on the green “Preview” button)
Naked Reading:
(Uncovering What Tweens Need to Become Lifelong Readers) Teri Lesesne. Published By: Stenhouse Publishers
Read the 1st Chapter for free
(Click on the green “Preview” button)