Library Links

"Content that might be of interest to Teacher-Librarians..."


Teacher-Librarian Magazine - Learning Commons issue

The challenges and new role of librarians in the 21st century
April 2012 issue of Teacher Librarian magazine.  
(or click the links below to read individual articles through EBSCO. Name and password will be needed for home access.)

This article discusses the challenges and new role of librarians in the 21st century, and announces the recipients of the first annual Teacher Librarian Leadership Awards.  

Here are some of the recipients' websites:
Links to additional articles in the April Issue


I “C” Technology - eBook - Free download

The Amazing Web 2.0 Projects Book  - I "C" Technology

The Amazing Web 2.0 Projects Book is a free, downloadable publication from the educational technology site ICT in Education. The book's 94 contributors suggest 87 projects along with their learning outcomes, 10 further resources and 52 applications. The contributors also describe the benefits and challenges of using Web 2.0 applications as well as how educators who conducted the projects handled the issues and what they recommend you do if you run them.


Tech Apps and sites on Pinterest

A Visual Way to track good Tech sites

Explore this extensive collection of tech sites and apps. The Pinterest interface offers an appealing way to organize these resources.

These are some of the categories represented:

  • Presentation Tools 30 pins
  • Collage/Poster Tools 19 pins
  • Comic Style Tools 29 pins
  • Timeline Tools 12 pins
  • Makin' Movies 25 pins
  • Photo/Image Editors 29 pins
  • Online Book Creators 17 pins
  • iBook/eBook Essentials 30 pins
  • Collaborative Tools34 pins
  • Newspaper and Magazine Creators online 9 pins
  • Word Cloud Generators  14 pins
  • Flipped Classroom Audio/Video Resources 32 pins

Educational Videos and Games - Science, Math, Socials, English & more

NeoK12: Tools for learning and teaching

A good clearinghouse of educational videos from Metacafé, Youtube etc, bundled with Flickr Images and wealth of Web 2.0 animations and games to consolidate thinking. Worth exploring.

"At NeoK12, we believe that kids learn best when they 'see' how things work, when, where and why they happen. NeoK12 also features Web2.0 tools for learning and teaching. Our "School Presentation" tool, a mashup of Flickr and Wikipedia, allows users to create and share interesting school presentations online. There are also excellent interactive whiteboard resources for the classroom. Other tools allow teachers to create and share video playlists with notes and instructions for their students; find and recommend new videos for NeoK12.


Online Games: Literature, New Media, and Narrative

MMO's: Literature, New Media, and Narrative
Jay Clayton
Next session: July 2013 (7 weeks long)

"For both newcomers and hard-core gamers who want to reflect on their passion, this course will explore what happens to stories, paintings, and films when they are turned into online games."


"Game Theory" from Stanford

Game Theory Course
taught by Dr. Matthew O. Jackson and Dr. Yoav Shoham (Stanford)

Watch the intro video to get a feel for the course

See the course content here:

"The course will provide the basics: representing games and strategies, the extensive form (which computer scientists call game trees), Bayesian games (modeling things like auctions), repeated and stochastic games, and more."


Design: Creation of Artifacts in Society

Fundamental concepts with hands-on design

Karl T. Ulrich offers "Design: Creation of Artifacts in Society"
He will combine fundamental concepts with hands-on design challenges to become a better designer.

Link to his free eText


Coursera - online courses - free

Life-Long Learning - for everyone

Coursera offers a variety of classes, from a range of post-secondary institutions.
Here's the course list from the "Music & Film" section.

  • Introduction to Digital Sound Design
  • The Language of Hollywood: Storytelling, Sound, and Color
  • Introduction to Music Production
  • Songwriting
  • Introduction to Guitar
  • Introduction to Improvisation
  • The Camera Never Lies
  • How Music Works
  • Listening to World Music

EdX - free university level courses

Learning designed specifically for the web

"EdX is a not-for-profit enterprise of its founding partners Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology that features learning designed specifically for interactive study via the web."

Here's one of the courses set to begin in November:
Foundations of Computer Graphics at BerkeleyX


Word 2008 for Mac tutorials

Finding your way around Word 2008

I've had some requests for "Word:Mac 2008" tutorials.
Here are some links that might be useful!

PDF guide you can download

Video: Getting started with Word 2008

Video: A playlist of how-to videos

Video: Creating a brochure

Video: A set of intro tutorials that introduce Powerpoint and Word
Scroll down a bit to see the Word section. (The more in-depth tutorials require a subscription, but they will get you started.)

Video: Another set of intro tutorials
(You need subscribe to get the more in-depth content.)

PDF guides on various features of Word 2008

Three Books... : NPR

In which authors recommend three books on a single theme.

This is a great series for book lovers. Once a month (or so) NPR asks a well-known author to pick 3 books that are related by a theme, topic or feel.

Here are some recent lists:

  • Play the Numbers: Three (Useful) Books About Data
  • Disaster Strikes! Three Books Where Things Go Awry
  • Fanciful Fauna: 3 Tall Tales Of Clever Critters
  • Fight Like A Girl: 3 Books That Pack A Deadly Punch
  • Too Cool For School: 3 Books On Scandalous Teachers

TED Books - feed your craving for ideas

Short original electronic books - from TED

Check out the TED Books App and get a text, audio and video exerience. Shorter than a novel, but longer than a magazine article -- "a TED Book is a great way to feed your craving for ideas anytime."

"TED Books are short original electronic books produced every two weeks by TED Conferences. Like the best TEDTalks, they're personal and provocative, and designed to spread great ideas. TED Books are typically under 20,000 words — long enough to unleash a powerful narrative, but short enough to be read in a single sitting. (Watch the TED Books video to learn more.)

The TED Books App embeds audio, video and social features into every book, broadening the depth and detail of each work.



Circulatory System - video and links

The Life Pump - Circulatory System

This page, from the Indianapolis Public Library, offers some good links on the circulatory system, as well as a short but informative Youtube clip that illustrates the action of the heart.



Un bolide humain - Baumgartner

Mission accomplie! Un saut de plus de 39 km

Vidéo et images.

Felix Baumgartner a réussi son pari ! Il est devenu le premier être humain à franchir le mur du son en chute libre. Un saut de plus de 39 km.

Felix Baumgartner a écrit une page d'histoire en devenant la première personne à faire un saut en chute libre de plus de 39 km de hauteur. Sa descente, à plus de 1300 km/h, lui a fait traverser le mur du son. Jamais personne n'avait tenté cet exploit auparavant.



From Digital Natives to Digital Wisdom: Hopeful Essays for 21st Century Learning

An expert perspective on 21st century education

From Digital Natives to Digital Wisdom - Hopeful Essays for 21st Century Learning by Marc Prensky       (Foreword by Milton Chen)

View a GoogleBooks preview of this resource.

"What can you learn on a cell phone? Almost anything! How does that concept fit with our traditional system of education? It doesn't. Best-selling author and futurist Marc Prensky's book of essays challenges educators to "reboot" and make the changes necessary to prepare students for 21st century careers. His "bottom-up" vision is based on interviews with young people and includes their ideas about what they need from teachers, schools, and education. Also featured are easy-to-do, high-impact classroom strategies that help what he calls "digital natives" acquire "digital wisdom."


Vancouver Kidsbooks - RTLA night booklist

Booklist of recommended titles from the October Kidsbooks Night

Can't remember the titles you saw at the Kidsbooks night last week? Or maybe you couldn't make it but would still like to see what books were featured? Visit the link to see covers and read sumamries.


Education Canada | Fall 2012 Volume 52 Issue 4 (CEA)

Canadian Education Association's "Education Canada" Magazine

Fall 2012- Volume 52  Issue 4
Table of Contents

  • Book Review:- The Kids Cannot Wait: Making High School Work
  • End Notes: Building Cool Things
  • Features: The International Quest for Educational Excellence: Understanding Canada's High Performance
  • If I Didn't Laugh I'd Cry: An Essay on Happiness, Productivity, and the Death of Humanities Education
  • Mixing It Up: Bringing Young People's Digital Creativity to Class
  • La formation des mentors : Un tournant dans l'évolution du programme de mentorat à la commission scolaire des patriotes
  • Are Two Minds Better than One? Creativity and Teacher Education
  • Young People's Confidence in School, Community, and the Future: Why It Matters and What We Can Do About It
  • Personalized Learning: Hiring Educators for the 21st Century
  • Web-Exclusive - Exposing Technomyths: Getting Technical about Technology and Teaching / A Solid Foundation of Success: Research Supports the Effectiveness of Interactive Whiteboards
  • Notre Monde Aujourd'hui: L'insertion des enseignants Débutants : Une expérience Chilienne
  • Promising Practices: Understanding the Heartbeat

Caring for the Air - Metro Vancouver 2012

Metro Vancouver's Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Management Plan

Information on Metro Vancouver's new Integrated Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Management Plan, and what's being done about our most pressing air quality and climate change issues including:
• Fine particulate matter and diesel particulate• Ground-level ozone• Visual air quality
• Greenhouse gases• Data on the "state of the air" in the Lower Mainland – key sources of emissions and measured air quality concentrations.