Library Links

"Content that might be of interest to Teacher-Librarians..."


▶ An anthropological introduction to YouTube

Youtube and how it changed the way we see each other
In June of 2008,  Michael Wesch gave the following presentation at the Library of Congress. Wesch spoke about the success of a short video he created ("Web 2.0 ... The Machine is Us/ing Us."), and about the reach of Youtube in general. While some of the info he presents is now out of date, it is still a good backgrounder. (Wesch is currently the coordinator for the "Peer Review of Teaching Project" at Kansas State University.)


Printable Classroom Resources - Infographics & Posters

Some posters to peruse

"Browse our ever-growing collection of data-rich educational infographics, on topics including dyslexia, fluency, technology, and more. Some funny, some serious, all eye-catching."



The Nonfiction Minute

Short pieces of nonfiction
Each text comes with an audio file. Could also be good for ELL students.

"Welcome to The Nonfiction Minute. Here you will find short pieces of nonfiction on a wide variety of topics, written by outstanding nonfiction writers for children. And the best news is—it's all free and waiting to be used by you and your students. So get to know really good nonfiction writing."


Infoquête graphic

ACPI Contest for Immersion Gr 9-12

Ta PASSION peut valoir 30 000 $ !
Something to share with your Immersion teachers!

"Quelle passion t'allume? Qu'est-ce qui te fait vibrer et capoter? Parle-nous avec fureur de ta passion. Raconte-nous comment elle te fait vivreImm Clip Ta Passion 2015 des expériences uniques. Le concours s'adresse à toi, élève d'immersion française de la 9e à la 12e année (secondaire 3 à 5 au Québec) inscrits à temps plein dans une école secondaire publique ou privée au Canada. Tu devras créer un vidéo clip en français, d'un minimum de 30 secondes et d'un maximum de 90 secondes portant sur le thème suivant : Ta passion!"

Date limite : le 23 février 2015



Learning to the Second Power - article

The importance of teacher-librarians in the learning process
(School ID and PW required for home login)
View either the HTML or PDF versions of this article, taken from the Feb 2012 issue of Teacher-Librarian magazine.

"The article looks at the importance of librarians and libraries in the learning process, specifically inquiry-based learning. The article provides a historical context of school libraries and how the role of a school librarian has developed to that of greater significance in education. Challenges faced by school librarians such as time limitations, lack of support staff, and outside perceptions of librarian importance are discussed. The article concludes that a successful school library must provide flexible learning commons, develop a willingness to adapt with technology, and have a strong involvement in curriculum creation to promote inquiry-based learning."


Middle Grade Mondays — @TLT16 Teen Librarian Toolbox

Posts about literature for 3rd through 7th grade

"This is a space where we will be discussing issues related to literature for 3rd through 7th grade students, authors who write for this age group, and programming for this age group. I for one, as a middle school library media specialist, straddle the worlds of the Middle Grade reader and the Young Adult reader daily."


A Truthful Narrative - FNMI contributions to K-12

Strategies to integrate First Nations, Métis and Inuit contributions
"This article provides educators with strategies to integrate First Nations, Métis and Inuit (FNMI) contributions into the Kindergarten to Grade 12 classroom. [...] Building community with students by challenging stereotypes and providing a culturally rich lens that highlights the 500 Nations and their gifts is presented. Each level of education, from elementary to secondary, is briefly described with the appropriate FNMI terms, contributions and across-the-curriculum pedagogical opportunities. The developmental levels of students is also a critical consideration in the presenting, positioning and acquisition of a broader and more truthful narrative about FNMI nations."


You Can’t Read Everything (But We Can Help You Keep Up)

Keeping Up... Genres -> You'll find relevant articles, lists and reading maps
NoveList offers a new service to keep up with new titles!

"We've all been there. I call it the 'genre in the headlights' feeling, when you get a question from a patron that for you, for whatever reason, is a stumper. [...] We all want to stay current with genre trends and core authors/titles/series in a given genre but what about helping patrons find books in genres we just don't read?  [...] We're launching content that (we hope) will help you feel better prepared, that we're calling Keeping Up.  [...] You'll find relevant articles, lists and reading maps for adults and teens and maybe even some inspiration.  We're beginning with four Genre pages (like, Keeping Up... Mystery). We've collected all four pages on one table of contents page, accessible via top menu bar in NoveList and NoveList Plus (look for the 'Genres' link)."

What will you read after Divergent? [LINK]

Resources and Kid Lit About American Indians - SLJ

Opening the door to cross-cultural understanding
Debbie Reese offers this list of American picture books and novels (for both Middle and High School) that speak to the experience, lives and culture of American Native peoples. Some titles may also work well in a Canadian context.

"At a conference [...] in the early 1990s, James Ransome was asked why he had not illustrated any books with American Indian characters. His response, in short, was something to the effect of, "I haven't held their babies." He captured what it means to really engage with a people whose history and culture are not one's own. [...]. In this column, I've made an effort to include non-Native authors who have succeeded in forging the meaningful bonds to which Ransome alluded.[...] Real relationships with American Indians are vital in order to avoid romanticizing or denigrating various groups through stereotypical ideas and characters."


Talking and Listening: Now Presenting …

The Basics of Good Speaking
In this article, Erik Palmer argues that we must teach speaking as an explicit skill. He offers the "PVLegs" rubric to fine-tune students' presentations:

  • Poise: Appear calm and confident.
  • Voice: Make every word heard.
  • Life: Put passion into your voice.
  • Eye contact: Visually engage each listener.
  • Gestures: Make motions match your words.
  • Speed: Adjust your pace for a powerful performance. (Palmer, 2011)
"All oral communication has two distinct stages: building the talk and performing the talk. Teachers are quite good at defining for students how they should build the talk—that is, defining the content the talk should include. Also, most rubrics are overweighted in favor of how well-built the talk is. But great content has no value if it's not delivered well, so here I focus on the performing part of speaking. You can use P.V. LEGS to teach students steps toward mastery in performing (Palmer, 2011)."


Separating the Wheat from the Chaff - article

Our responsibility to discard "those" library books
(School ID and PW required for home login)
View either the HTML or PDF versions of this article, taken from the April 2012 issue of Teacher-Librarian magazine.

The article discusses librarians' responsibility to discard irreparable library books, a process which the author refers to as weeding. He uses wit and humor to discuss criteria for removing a book from the library's collection, which include old spine glue, date of the last checkout, and dustiness. He explains differences in librarians' approaches to the process, including efficiency, book repair, and the pros and cons of discarding books. Library budgets and replacing discarded books are also discussed.


Rethinking Reading Promotion - article

Using of technology to promote reading
(School ID and PW required for home login)
View either the HTML or PDF versions of this article, taken from the June 2012 issue of Teacher-Librarian magazine.

"The article discusses the use of technology in reading promotion. Methods of reading promotion, including booktalks, online book trailers, and recording a book promotion for school announcements are explored. Reports on elementary, middle, and high school students' personal reading time from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) and the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) are provided. Ways teacher librarians can create a booktalk, the website, and mental images caused by book trailers are also discussed."



Reading Wellness - book preview

Lessons in Independence and Proficiency
Jan Miller Burkins and Kim Yaris write about developing "reading wellness".

"Teaching reading strategies isn't enough. Reading Wellness gives you specific ways to support your students' enjoyment, perseverance, risk-taking, and connection-making as readers."

Preview the entire book online.



Books aloud? Two more sites to explore

More reading resources

Oxford Owl (login required - free access)
with plummy British accent too!

Read to Me (Las Vegas stars)


If You Build It: Tinkering with the Maker Mind-Set

A flexible environment where learning is made physical
Some links from ASCD to support building makerspaces.

"Makerspaces are collaborative workshops where young people gain practical hands-on experience with new technologies and innovative processes to design and build projects. They provide a flexible environment where learning is made physical by applying science, technology, math, and creativity to solve problems and build things."

High School Makerspace tools & Materials [PDF]
A Librarian's guide to Makerspaces [LINK]


TED-Ed and Periodic Table Videos

A clickable periodic table with videos on every element

"TED-Ed launches an interactive periodic table with a video for every element. If you've ever taken a chemistry class, you know that memorizing all of the elements and understanding their properties can be difficult! To help provide a study aid, TED-Ed collaborated with Brady Haran, best known for his YouTube channel Numberphile and his extensive video coverage of the periodic table, to create a clickable periodic table with videos on every element."


Storyline Online - Where Reading Is Fun!

New look - same great stories

I've plugged this site before, but it's worth mentionning again. Listen to these read-alouds by well-known actors. (List of titles here.)

"Reading to children has been repeatedly shown to improve their reading, writing and communication skills, logical thinking, concentration and general academic aptitude… as well as inspire a love of reading. The Screen Actors Guild Foundation records well-known actors reading children's books and makes graphically dynamic videos so that children around the world can be read to with just the click of a Storyline Online video book image."


Looking for Pro-D ideas and resources?

DRC has materials and links to explore!
Visit this link for a summary of what DRC has to support professional development. Whether it is individual pro-d, or whole school initiatives, we have lots to offer:  ISL collection (Instructional Services Library), Speaker-in-a-box materials, eBook professional library, EBSCO professional magazines, as well as links to a number of other sources.
