Library Links

"Content that might be of interest to Teacher-Librarians..."


PBL Essential Elements - site & videos

What is Performance Based Learning? (video 14 mins)

John Larmer, Director of Product Development at BIE, explains the key elements of effective, rigorous Project Based Learning, using an example from a video by Common Craft. site, with more resources

"In Project Based Learning (PBL), students go through a process of inquiry in response to a complex question. While allowing for some degree of student "voice and choice," rigorous projects are carefully planned, managed, and assessed to help students learn academic content, practice 21st Century Skills (such as collaboration, communication & critical thinking), and create authentic products & presentations."

PBL & Web 2.0 Tools (video 52 mins)

Choosing the appropriate Web 2.0 tools to support project based learning can be a daunting task. However, integrating the use of these tools into a project can help teachers to effectively facilitate the design, assessment, and management of projects. Join Dayna Laur, as she explores a variety of these tools. Hear about several projects that have successfully integrated Web 2.0 tools and start thinking about your own plans to introduce new and effective tools into your next project.
BIE Youtube Channel


KOL Jr. Stories - Online Picture Books Read Aloud

Flash-based story books for Primary.

"Listen to these online picture books as they are read to you."


John Seely Brown: Learning, Working & Playing in the Digital Age

Brown discusses learning in the digital age (2009)
Writer, speaker, and educator John Seely Brown discusses learning in the digital age at a guest lecture at IU. Brown is a visiting scholar at the University of Southern California and serves as an independent co-chairman for the Deloitte Center for Edge Innovation.

Transcript of JS Brown's previous presentation (1999)
(Includes slides)


This is Québec City - YouTube

Voici la ville de Québec

Une belle publicité pour la ville de Québec. Certaines des images ont été repliquées de précédentes pubs, mais les nouveautés et l'ensemble sont fort bien réussis.

A beautiful TV ad for Quebec City. It gives a nice overview of the city and summer activities, sites and lifestyle.


OpenClipArt LIbrary

Create, share and remix clipart

Looking for images that students can use?

"The Open Clipart Library (OCAL) is the largest collaborative community that creates, shares and remixes clipart. All clipart is released to the public domain and may be used in any project for free with no restrictions."


Canada's History - Books

Read up on Canada's History

Social Studies teachers and history buffs alike will want to check out this collection of historical non-fiction that explores the history of Canada. Read some great reviews and pick up a book or two for the cottage or lake.


Teaching Authentic Writing in a Socially Mediated World

A List of Contemporary Writing Activities

What kinds of writing should students be working on if not the "5 paragraph essay"? Susan Davis offers some ideas and rationale for revamping the writing process.

"...A recent conversation at SocialEdCon/ISTE Unplugged about online writing (let's face it, most of the writing our students will do will be online in one format or another) led me to start the following list of contemporary forms of writing we need to address with our students. How such writing is made authentic depends on the context of how it is introduced in each learning environment, and, of course, this is where things get tricky. Tricky or not, here is my tentative list: (read article for more.)..."



The Library Framework

What does a library program look like?

In our district, we've tried to capture the elements of the TL job without being too prescriptive - after all, each teacher-librarian will have his/her own priorities, and will make decisions based on the staff and students they work with every day.

Click on the image to view a close up of our program.


Vidéos Téléquébec

Selected Programs to view online

Téléquébec offre sur son site des échantillons de certaines de ses épisodes. Vos étudiants peuvent pratiquer leurs habiletés en français.



Best Books for kids & teens 2012

English, French and AV suggestions
(Teacher Librarian, 14811782, Apr2012, Vol. 39, Issue 4)

A list of recommended AV and French resources from "Resource Links" was reprinted in the April issue of Teacher Librarian magazine.  (EBSCO subscription required) There are some interesting titles listed if you want to freshen up your collection.   


When weeding gets delayed...

Don't let it get out of hand!

How long has it been since the ___ (hardcover fiction, country books, computer manuals, reference material)  was weeded?

iCentre - Australia's take on "the Learning Commons"

Experience the Shift: Build an iCentre
- Teacher Librarian Magazine June 2012

June's issue features Lyn Hay tackling the issue of library re-branding and re-imaging via the growing presence of "iCentres" in Australian schools. (This is "down-under" terminology for what we are calling "the Learning Commons")

What is an iCentre?

Lyn Hay offers slideshows, references and reflections on the value of "iCentres" in Australian schools.


Wattpad - A site for writers (and readers)

Discover and share stories on the web

This Toronto-based community writing site has recently been endorsed by Margaret Atwood.

"Wattpad is the world's largest community for discovering and sharing stories on the web and across every mobile device. It's a new form of collaborative entertainment that connects readers and writers through storytelling and creative fiction! Wattpad is the only place offering a mobile, social, eReading experience."



Blogging Is the New Persuasive Essay

Another look at the value of blogging

Shelley Wright teaches high school English, science and technology in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan.

"Blogging has the potential to reach and influence many. Furthermore, it has greater potential for being a life-long skill. And isn't that our goal in education? People from all walks and professions blog for the purpose of teaching, creating, and informing. A number of my recent Masters courses didn't require papers; instead, they required blogging. Why? Because blogging is the new persuasive essay."

Her personal blog

What is a 21st century teacher?

What are the essential characterisitics?

Josh Stumpenhorst is a sixth-grade language arts and social science teacher at Lincoln Junior High School in Naperville, Ill. He is the Illinois Computer Educators' 2012 Educator of the Year

"People toss around terms in education and attach the words "21st century" to appear cutting edge or on the front end of trending ideas. As a teacher in the 21st century, I find it amazing to see some of the things that are so-called 21st century and yet are no different from ideas from the 20th or even the 19th century. With that in mind, I reflected on what it takes to be a teacher in the 21st century and what such a teacher looks like."

Video interview
His blog


The Disaster Song Tradition of Atlantic Canada

300 Canadian disaster songs

Of interest to any classes looking at Canadian folksong tradition. Lyrics are included along with some historical context. In some cases, there are links to midi files, lead sheets and iTunes performances

"This website serves as a vehicle to present the Canadian disaster songs that three academics have collected and are currently studying. Our preliminary research revealed close to 300 Canadian disaster songs.  Performers range from the relatively unknown to famous contemporary artists such as 'Stompin' Tom Connors ("And the Bridge Came Tumblin' Down", a song about the collapse of Vancouver's Second Narrows Bridge in 1957) and Gordon Lightfoot's famous "Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald." Incidents in songs range across time, from the pre-confederation era, such as the New Brunswick blaze of 1825 ("The Miramichi Fire," credited to John Jardine), to the 2009 Cougar helicopter crash off Newfoundland ("Fall into the Ocean," by Mark Frost)."


At-A-Glance Comic Tutorials - a set on Flickr

Easy to follow "At-A-Glance" Tutorials -

Easy to follow Comic Life Tutorials - "at-a-glance" format, created by Maryland middle school librarian Gwyneth Anne Bronwynne Jones. Embed, print, share.

"I've been asked a lot as to what software package I use to make these...and though you could do it with Microsoft Word or Photoshop, I use Comic Life & iPhoto for all of my tutorials!  Please feel FREE to Use, Share, & Embed! All my work is Creative Commons, Attribution, Non-Commercial & Share-Alike! Cheers!" ~Gwyneth


A Daring Middle Grades Librarian » MiddleWeb

A MiddleWeb Interview

A T-L pep talk with Maryland middle school librarian Gwyneth Jones

"In America's post-analog, budget-stressed era of public schooling, many teacher librarians are struggling to justify their existence and explain their continued relevance to an audience of skeptical school boards and taxpayers who can barely remember a world without Google. But Maryland middle school librarian Gwyneth Anne Bronwynne Jones has no problem explaining hers."

Read her high energy "take" on the role of the TL in today's Middle School setting.



Got books? - Using Tech to promote YA fiction

Promote reading using open-source technology tools

Reach your upper elementary or teen audience with creative ways that promote reading and Children's / Young Adult literature using free or open-source technology tools

  • READ Posters and more ...
  • Book Talks & Trailers
  • Read Alikes
  • QR Codes
  • Awards & Book Contests
  • Book Clubs
  • Book Sharing & Web 2.0
  • Authors!!!
  • Poetry Break
  • Download a 4-page handout with all these great ideas