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"Content that might be of interest to Teacher-Librarians..."


First Peoples: A Guide for Newcomers

Clear information in simple language about the First Peoples in Vancouver
"First Peoples: A Guide for Newcomers aims to fill the need for clear information in simple language about the First Peoples in Vancouver. It introduces newcomers to three important topics: who are Aboriginal people (or First Peoples) in Vancouver and Canada; a brief overview of the relationship between the Government of Canada and First Peoples; and current initiatives and ways for newcomers to learn more about Aboriginal people in the community."


GeoGuessr - Let's explore the world!

A web-based geographic discovery game
"GeoGuessr is a web-based geographic discovery game designed by Anton Wallén, a Swedish IT consultant. The game utilizes random Google Street View locations and requires players to guess their location in the world using only the clues visible in Street View."

Explore by continent or country, or choose the category "famous places". Be a geo-detective!


Teacher's Guide to Project-based Learning

Work that Matters
(PDF download - 100pp)
"Developed by the Learning Futures project in partnership with High Tech High, this guide offers step-by-step advice on planning and managing extended, interdisciplinary projects, as well as useful protocols for critique sessions, templates for important documents such as project plans, and examples of high-impact projects."


ReaLITy Reads - Enough dystopia for now?

Take a break from zombies and the apocalypse

Macmillan publishing is featuring a series of "teen issues" titles that take a break from the end of the world and encourage young people to talk about questions that are real in their lives. Some titles are new and some are old. All are gripping.

"ReaLITy is a program designed to shine a light on Macmillan's realistic literary fiction. These titles feature strong writing, important themes, and memorable voices. They are pathways to discussion about topics that impact the lives of today's young adults. These are real books for real teens."




Teachers around the world begin their day (41 min)
"Dawn is breaking. Teachers around the world begin their day....The stories that intersect in this narrative are... full of reflection, [and]  optimism. Looking for an ideal each day, renewing that commitment each morning. And the collective dream brings us a world in which education is a right and everyone has equal opportunities to participate in quality education.


DROP EVERYTHING and READ BC 2014 - Oct 27th

Love reading? Promote this!
Drop Everything and Read 2014 - here are the details

  • WHO? You, your friends, family members, colleagues, classmates, coworkers...
  • WHERE? Wherever you are: classroom, hallways, office...
  • WHEN? Monday, October 27, 2014; 11:00 a.m. - 11:20 a.m. (or a time of your choosing)
  • HOW? Stop whatever it is that you are doing and...just read!
  • WHY? Because the love of reading is a beautiful, valuable, lifelong habit that everyone should enjoy, every day.
In order to collect some stats, please consider filling out the form on the DEaR blog. (If you don't want to use your name, you can simply fill in initials.)


Podasts for Edification and more

Looking for something new to listen to?
Here are some of the podcasts I listen to on my commute. If you have some minutes to fill during the day, why not listen to podcasts on a range of topics - they will likely make for much more interesting cocktail parties!

and some irregularly appearing shows:

Meet the Makers: MakerPlaces in Libraries, Schools and Beyond

Harness the creative energy of a new generation of desigers
Watch this "live stream" panel discussion about Makerspaces:
"The Maker Movement is revolutionizing how we think about innovation – in Makerspaces around the country, people are using advanced tools and technology to harness their creative energy and design the next great invention. And libraries are playing a vital role; many libraries have developed their own Makerspaces, providing tools and technology services including: 3D printers, 3D scanners, laser cutters, and digital advancement classes at little or no cost to their patrons."

  • Mark Hatch, CEO of TechShop and Author of The Maker Movement Manifesto;
  • Phyllis Klein, Co-Founder of D.C.'s FabLab;
  • Nick Kerelchuk, Manager of DCPL's Digital Commons;
  • John Rennie (moderator), Editorial Director of Science for McGraw-Hill Education

What Exactly is a Gene? - Stated Clearly Videos

"You look good in those genes."
"You've probably heard about GMOs or Genetically Modified Organisms but what exactly is a gene and what does it mean to modify the genes of a plant or animal? This short film is designed to help. Here we discuss a basic definition of a gene, show what a gene looks like, what it is that genes actually code for, and the basic idea behind Genetically Modified Organisms."


You Can Look It Up: The Wikipedia Story

So who "invented" Wikipedia anyway?
While post-secondary institutions rail against using Wikipedia, we know most students check it first for basic information. Often a good strategy is to ask students to dig further into the bibliographic references rather than take the article at face value. Regardless of your love (or hate) of Wikipedia, this excerpt (see link) gives some fascinating background on this "kudzu-like" resource.

"In an excerpt from his new book, The Innovators, Walter Isaacson recounts the improbable story of the online encyclopedia that has proven its detractors wrong time and again.... "Wikipedia allows people not merely to access other people's knowledge but to share their own," he said. "When you help build something, you own it, you're vested in it. That's far more rewarding than having it handed down to you."



Start a Reading Revolution.

Replace fear and dread with excitement and self-expression
A high school English teacher writes about his experience.

"A reading transformation can occur in your school much like it has in my classroom, replacing fear and dread with excitement and self-expression. Students will read if they choose the books. They will write with voice and clarity if they have the ability to express their thoughts. They can change from reluctant to inspired readers if it happens on their own terms."


Integrating ICT into English

eTexts and their role in Reading & Writing

Think about using a balance of different eBook formats to explore a range of reading experiences, including: digital story telling apps and websites, augmented texts, and epubs (free or purchased). When it comes to writing, think about iPads and desktops to jumpstart students publishing their writing. Read on to see how students could be publishing their writing in the form of eBooks.


Why some kids can’t spell and why spelling tests won’t help

Learning to love words
Some thinking about spelling....

"Parents and teachers should consider these questions as they reflect on the ways in which spelling is approached in their school:

  • Are all children learning to love words from their very first years at school?
  • Are they being fascinated by stories about where words come from and what those stories tell us about the spelling of those words?
  • Are they being excited by breaking the code, figuring how words are making their meanings and thrilled to find that what they've learned about one word helps them solve another word?"

Word roots: The web's largest root words and prefix directory

Unpacking word meanings

Scroll down to see a list of Greek and Latin prefixes and root words.


Neuron Therapy - CBC ideas - Self-regulation

Teaching kids how to self-regulate
CBC podcast:

"What I.Q. was to the 20th century, self-regulation will be to the 21st. That's the prediction of psychologist and philosopher, Dr. Stuart Shanker. For decades he's been teaching kids how to self-regulate, so tantrums, meltdowns and lack of focus diminish."


How Wolves Change Rivers - rewilding

In nature, everything is connected
A fascinating look at how the re-introduction of a species can reshape an environment. THis could be good for upper intermediate students studying ecosystems.

"In nature, everything is connected — connected in ways you might not expect. This short video narrated by George Monbiot, an English writer and environmentalist, illustrates the concept of rewilding and how it can save ecosystems in general, and how it changed changed Yellowstone National Park in particular."
