Library Links

"Content that might be of interest to Teacher-Librarians..."


100 THINGS kids will miss ...

​...if they don't have a TL in their school​.

​o, what kinds of things will kids miss if there's no TL? This poster gives a (not necessarily) exhaustive list!​
  • ​borrow tech
  • learn to search
  • a place to learn
  • feed your imagination
  • speakers, authors, illustrators
  • eReaders
  • one-on-one help
and so much more...​

​Check out the full PDF-printable version here:​



The Launch Cycle

Bring Out the Maker in Every Student

Something to investigate!
The LAUNCH Cycle provides a creative process that can be incorporated into every class at every grade level … even if you don't consider yourself a "creative teacher." And if you dare to innovate and view creativity as an essential skill, you will empower your students to change the world—starting right now