Library Links

"Content that might be of interest to Teacher-Librarians..."


AL Live: "Going Beyond Google"

The value of libraries and librarians
"It's a question librarians are asked constantly: Why do people need us when they have Google and other public search tools? In this month's episode of AL Live, "Going Beyond Google", we'll talk about our value as experts, what it means and how we can effectively convey it to the public."

The panel:
  • Joanna Burkhardt, Professor and Head Librarian at the University of Rhode Island (URI) Branch Libraries in Providence and Narragansett
  • Nikki Krysak, Head of Instructional Services, Norwich University in Vermont
  • John McCullough, Product Manager, Discovery, OCLC
  • Beth McDonough, Research and Instruction Librarian, Western Carolina University


Maker Project Showcase - YouTube

Turning your maker project ideas into realities
"Recorded on February 23, 2016, Megan Blakemore, a celebrated children's author and elementary librarian from South Portland, Maine and Derrick Mason from the Idea Factory at Pueblo City-County District Library in Colorado share their experiences turning maker project ideas into realities and answer your burning questions about SLJ's upcoming Maker Workshop. Find out what it's like to complete and successfully implement a truly amazing maker project!"


BC Agriculture in the Classroom - Resources

Find out about the foods we eat

"BC Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation is a non-profit organization that works with educators to bring BC's agriculture to their students. "

On the site you'll find:
  • Primary Resources
  • Intermediate / Middle Resources
  • Secondary Resources
  • Videos
  • Posters

TeenLit Connection: Time Travel

Mind Bending: Time Travel Fiction for Teens
NoveList contributor Jen Hatch has created an annotated list of new young adult time travel books. (Click here to see the list on NoveList.)  Fans of YA time travel fiction can look forward to a large number of buzz-worthy books set to be published. As a bonus, she also lists some previously published titles worth exploring.

(For NoveList access from home, or outside the district, you will need to use your school's ID and PW)

BCTLA 2016 Conference Info

Keynote: Gwyneth Jones, the Daring Librarian
The 2016 BCTLA conference—Heroic Efforts—will be held in Burnaby (Oct 21) and will feature Gwyneth Jones, the Daring Librarian, as the keynote speaker.  Conference sessions proposals are now open!  The BCTLA is welcoming conference session submissions from now until April 30th at Share your ideas, program and expertise with your colleagues!


Families of the Orchestra - Zaption

Basic Elementary lesson on Musical Instrument Families

Zaption allows a teacher to embed text commentary, ask questions and collect responses to existing Youtube video clips. You can even add English text to a French clip.

"Explore the various families of instruments found in a typical orchestra in this intro to music video lesson. Its embedded questions and annotations are suitable for first grade and beyond."



FAQs about Makerspaces

Support making as a way to learn

The library is the perfect place for this innovation!

"Makerspaces and maker-style projects are firmly grounded in sound educational theory. The work of Papert, Piaget, Vygotsky, Dewey and many others puts the child at the center of learning, rather than the teacher. Educational theories such as constructionism, constructivism, Montessori, and the Reggio Emilia approach all support making as a way to learn."
