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Non-fiction "book features" game

Here's another library game to try.


Non-fiction "book features" game (Lynne @ Coyote Creek)

Here is a memory card game using vocabulary describing the features of a nonfiction book.  
The words I use are
  • publisher
  • author
  • illustrator
  • pictures
  • index
  • glossary
  • table of contents
  • copyright
  • call number
  • title page
You will need two of each card.  I've used pocket cards and glued on the words, then laminated.  (You could also use an old deck of playing cards.)

How to play:
Deal out all the cards face down. (Mix them up first!) Flip over the cards two at a time to try and make a match.  Say the word of each card as it is turned over.  If you make a match, you keep the cards.  I have them go on to the next person as that way everyone gets more turns.

Next level:
Once students are familiar with all the words, if they make a match, they have to explain what the feature is (ie "A glossary is a mini-dictionary found in the back of the book.")  
To change it up, the next class I handed out a nonfiction book to each student and they played the game again but when a match was made, everyone had to find that feature in their book.  I challenged them to see who had the newest/oldest book when they got to the copyright word match.
I played the simple version with Grade 2's and the harder version with Grade 3's.  They loved it!