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Ecrire pour apprendre - stratégies et activités

Développer la pensée des élèves dans l'ensemble du curriculum

This 4 page PDF from the Ontario Ministry of Education discusses strategies that teachers can use to encourage writing in their French classes.
Écrire pour apprendre ou apprendre à écrire?
« Quelle que soit la formulation choisie, il s'agit du type de pensée exploratoire que nous effectuons par écrit pour découvrir, développer et clarifier nos idées. En général, l'écriture exploratoire n'est pas vraiment structurée et est de nature provisoire; elle évolue dans des directions imprévues tandis que l'auteure ou l'auteur trouve de nouvelles idées, se heurte à des complications et se pose des questions dans le cadre du processus de pensée et de création. »
(Bean, 2011, p. 120, traduction libre)


Writers' Workshop Ideas - in French

Des ateliers d'écriture à considérer
Lots of suggestions for writers' workshop in French, with downloadable organisers for teacher and student use. The author often suggests picture books as a starting point.

"Cet article a pour but de compiler les ateliers d'écriture pour le cycle 3 que je propose aux élèves lors des ateliers hebdomadaires. Le plus souvent possible, ces ateliers d'écriture utilise un album comme point de départ. La lecture offerte est toujours un plaisir et permet d'engager l'écriture de façon rapide, assez instinctive et les élèves sautent les pieds joints dans chaque atelier, sans se poser trop de questions."


Middle Ages manuscripts

Medieval Manuscripts via Digital Collections

Columbia University Libraries

The British Library

Lehigh University Digtial Library

Houghton Library (Harvard College)


A story in only Six Words

The six-word memoir project
"This teachers' guide was created to help educators integrate the six-word memoir project into their own classrooms. As you read through the guide, you will discover how to use Six Word Memoirs as a powerful educational tool to ignite creativity and critical thinking in your classroom, as well as give students a voice to tell their life stories."
(Note: the pdf makes reference to a workbook, which can be bought on the site. There is however enough direction in the PDF to allow teachers to try this project without the workbook.)

Some examples of school projects:

Use images:
Think about "Six Words for Images" as another way to tackle this. Find arresting images (ie Flickr) and get kids to create Six Word captions that sum up the feel, mood, action or setting....

Mixed media:
An alternate project is to superimpose the Six Word text on the image for a mixed media creation.


Human rights education resources: K-12

A rich digital selection of human rights resources
"The Canadian Teachers' Federation and the Canadian Museum for Human Rights have worked in partnership to bring together a rich digital selection of human rights education resources for Kindergarten to Grade 12 in English and French. The resources in this toolkit were carefully reviewed by teachers and will link you to a variety of literature, media and lesson plans that can be used in the classroom."



How Teens Do Research in the Digital World - PEW 2012

How the rise of digital material affects teen research skills
"Overall, teachers who participated in this study characterize the impact of today's digital environment on their students' research habits and skills as mostly positive, yet multi-faceted and not without drawbacks. Among the more positive impacts they see: the best students access a greater depth and breadth of information on topics that interest them; students can take advantage of the availability of educational material in engaging multimedia formats; and many become more self-reliant researchers."

"At the same time, ... some teachers worry about students' overdependence on search engines; the difficulty many students have judging the quality of online information; the general level of literacy of today's students; increasing distractions pulling at students and poor time management skills; students' potentially diminished critical thinking capacity; and the ease with which today's students can borrow from the work of others."



Better Searches - Better results

Be a power user!

This poster summarizes some effective tips for being a better googler. Students and teachers can benefit from using these strategies.
