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Read-Aloud Handbook - Jim Trelease

Selected Web content from "The Read-Aloud Handbook"

What's in the web-version of the Handbook?
Each web chapter consists of several excerpts from the print chapter but the excerpt represents only about 15 percent of the actual chapter. (The actual book contains 400 pages, - posted here is a representative sample of the book's contents, excerpts from the research and anecdotes in its chapters, and a listing of books from the Treasury of Read-Alouds.)

What's in the print Handbook?
The book divided into two parts: the first half contains the "ways" and "whys" of raising readers; and the last half consists of an annotated bibliography of almost 1000 children's books for reading aloud, from picture books to novels and anthologies, with synopses and guides to the age of the audience for which it was written.
[Google Books preview]


Quebec French - Wikipedia article

An exploration of the roots and realities of French spoken in Québec

Much has been said (and misunderstood) about the origins and current state of French in Canada, and specifically in Quebec. This Wikipedia article gives a good overview of the antecedents of our uniquely Canadian way of speaking French, and explores the differences between the regions, the perceptions of "québécois" as well as variations in formal and informal registers, distinctive features and phonological realities.

This article is useful for teachers of French as well as senior students wanting to deepen their understanding.



Book Café interview with Anthony Horowitz

Interviews and Book talks
Tue, 9 Oct 12
Duration:44 mins | File Size:21MB

If you are a fan of Horowitz, either for his YA writing or his adult titles, you will enjoy this interview with him on BBC-Radio Scotland about his upcoming title.

"Anthony Horowitz talks about his latest in the Power of 5 series, Oblivion which took him as far as Antactica on a research mission. Iain M Banks takes us into his Sci-Fi world discussing inspiration for his latest in that genre, The Hydrogen Sonata. We hear about a revival of the Brothers Grimm fairytales as well."



Stop Motion Short Made Completely with Moleskine Notebooks

Moleskine Notebooks Featured in a New Stop Motion Short
by Rogier Wieland

I love the stop motion genre, especially when they involve books. Take a look at this new creation by Netherlands-based designer Rogier Wieland. This impressive stop motion ad for Moleskin relies on the notebooks themselves to create nearly every aspect of the animation including the precisely cut typography. (The making-of video is pretty great too - see second clip.)


Inquiry-based Learning: Concept to Classroom series

Pro-D workshop - Inquiry-based Learning.

"Concept to Classroom is an online series of FREE, self-paced, professional development workshops covering important and timely topics in education. The workshops are intended for teachers, administrators, librarians, or anyone interested in education -- and there's no technical expertise required."

In this workshop:

  • What is inquiry-based learning?
  • How does it differ from the traditional approach?
  • What does it have to do with my classroom?
  • What are the benefits of inquiry-based learning?
  • How has inquiry-based learning developed since it first became popular?
  • Another perspective
  • What are some critical perspectives?
  • How can I use inquiry-based learning in conjunction with other educational techniques?

It's a Jungle Out there - Infotopia

Eight ways to tell good web sites from bad ones

Youtube Clip
As a Slideshow
"It's a Jungle Out There" is a video-slideshow that shares indicators of good web sites vs bad web ones when they are doing research on the Internet. There are eight critical ways to tell the good, authoritative web sites from the bad. This may be a useful video for librarians to use with students.
