Library Links

"Content that might be of interest to Teacher-Librarians..."


National Jukebox - Library of Congress

A Gramophone on your computer
Looking for some music with "turn of the century" appeal, for a project or to set the scene? Check out the National Jukebox.

"The National Jukebox debuts featuring more than 10,000 78rpm disc sides issued by the Victor Talking Machine Company between 1900 and 1925. Imagine your computer as a new Gramophone purchased for family and friends to enjoy in your home parlor. Audition popular recorded selections of the beginning of the 20th century years—band music, novelty tunes, humorous monologues, hits from the season's new musical theater productions, the latest dance rhythms, and opera arias."


Helping Students Find Creative Commons Images

Finding the right picture
Wade Gegan runs through the features of five tools that he recommends using to search, reference, attribute and download Creative Commons images.

1. Photo Pin
2. Iconfinder
3. Pixabay
4. Flickr (Creative Commons)
5. Freepik



"Poem Central" - Stenhouse Preview

Where people and poems meet
Preview this book: LINK

"In Poem Central—a place where people and poems meet—teachers and students will discover how to find their way into a poem, have conversations around poems, and learn fresh and exciting ways to make poems. Readers will enjoy the dozens of poems throughout the book that serve to instruct, to inspire, and to send us on unique word journeys of the mind and heart."


e-Atlas resources

Maps, maps, maps

With the changes in world geopolitical arrangements (Crimea anyone?!) printed atlases may not be up-to-date. Many electronic resources can fill that gap, and may even replace your print-book versions. Here are some sources to explore:
World Book:
Sometimes teachers forget that there is an atlas built into WB encyclopedia. From the maps, you can jump to detailed articles on each country.

Atlas of Canada:

CanGeo atlas

NatGeo MapMachine

EarthTools & Map Coords (long and lat)

Worldatlas (Some advertising)

Don't forget to revisit Google Maps and Google Earth, and for "fun with maps", check out MapFrappe



Applications éducatives disponibles au Canada

Get app recommendations for iPad and Android
A Canadian site that recommends apps for pre-K to high school. Some are in French. (The site can be viewed in either language.)

"Destiné aux parents et aux éducateurs, EduLulu est le premier service public qui offre l'évaluation des applications éducatives disponibles au Canada sur iOS et Androïd. EduLulu, c'est la référence canadienne en matière d'applications éducatives en français et en anglais pour les 2 à 17 ans !"


Remembrance Day - Learning Resources

Great resources for teachers and students
