Library Links

"Content that might be of interest to Teacher-Librarians..."


Author interviews in French with influential Quebecois writers

(Immersion, Secondary)
Paroles d'auteurs - Période : 1966 - 2006

"Par leurs livres mémorables ou leurs personnages émouvants, certains auteurs d'ici ont marqué la littérature francophone des dernières années. Des romans comme L'Avalée des avalés de Réjean Ducharme, Le Matou d'Yves Beauchemin ou Un dimanche à la piscine à Kigali de Gil Courtemanche ont connu une diffusion internationale. Pour souligner l'essor de la littérature québécoise depuis les années 1960, nous vous offrons une sélection d'entrevues avec des auteurs incontournables."

"Louis Riel, défenseur du peuple métis" - Social Studies

Patriote ou traître?

Immersion students can explore radio and TV clips and reflect on Riel's role in building Manitoba. (Secondary)

"Louis Riel a mené la résistance des Métis en 1869 et en 1885. Le 16 novembre 1885, il est pendu à Regina pour haute trahison. Personnage controversé de notre histoire, Riel symbolise l'antagonisme entre l'ouest et l'est du pays, entre Blancs et Amérindiens, entre Canadiens français et Canadiens anglais. Depuis le centenaire de sa mort, des Métis et des membres du gouvernement tentent de réhabiliter sa mémoire."
(8 clips télé, 12 clips radio)


EdGEO - Canadian Earth Science website

EdGEO, initiated in the early 1970s, supports local workshops on earth science for Canadian teachers. It is coordinated by the Canadian Geoscience Education Network of the Canadian Federation of Earth Sciences .

While the resources are available in English only, the plan is to translate them into French in the near future. The activities seem geared to secondary, but can be easily adapted to Elementary students.

Bringing Earth Science to Life (one of the downloadable ressources) contains classroom-ready activities that have been used successfully and fine-tuned in EdGEO workshops all over Canada.

Audiobook Express Website

Some of you were asking about audio books (on CD).
Here is a Canadian website, with prices in $CDN.
Search by title, author or ISBN. Listen to audio clips for some titles.


The Journal of Research on Libraries and Young Adults - now online

The Young Adult Library Services Association, a division of the American Library Association, has launched the inaugural issue of its open-access, peer-reviewed electronic research journal, the "Journal of Research on Libraries and Young Adults" at

Visit the web site to read the articles &/or subscribe to the RSS feed.  The journal will be published quarterly beginning in November 2010, with issues following each February, May and August. The first issue highlights paper presentations from YALSA's Young Adult Literature Symposium.

YALSA, Young Adult,


Puppets in the library

Thanks Juliet for sharing your "puppet activities" Wednesday afternoon.

Here are some links to explore:

Some Puppet Patterns:

Some Reader's Theater Editions
"Reader’s Theater Editions are free scripts for reader’s theater (or readers theatre) adapted from stories written by Aaron Shepard and others—mostly humor, fantasy, and world tales from a variety of cultures. A full range of reading levels is included, with scripts aimed mostly at ages 8–15."


Music can Inspire Creative Expression

Using Music in the Classroom to Inspire Creative Expression
By Gaetan Pappalardo

"Music tells so many stories. It's quite a gift to be able to write the musical story that matches the passion and energy of the actors all while enhancing the themes and the feelings of the scene."

eReaders in the library? Check out eduKindle

For those interested in the logistics of using ereaders in the library, here are some resources:


WatchKnow - an educational video clip Clearinghouse.

Here is a searchable database of educational videos from a variety of sources (Youtube, readwritethink, National Geographic, eHow, etc.) Most clips are embedded on the WatchKnow site, but some are linked to the originating URL instead. Viewers can search, rate and comment on content. (The quality of videos ranges from "home made" teacher-produced videos to more polished "professional" clips.)

"WatchKnow is a project of the non-profit Community Foundation of Northwest Mississippi, and is directed by Dr. Larry Sanger, best known as co-founder of Wikipedia, and edited by a group of editors and assistants, all trained as educators. WatchKnow plans to index over 50,000 educational videos by the end of 2010. Imagine, in the long run, cataloguing and creating millions of short videos, so that one can quickly and easily find a top-quality video on absolutely anything a child is studying."


Sugata Mitra on Child Driven Education (TED talk)

Sugata Mitra has some interesting things to say about what is essentially Resource-Based Learning in action. He illustrates the power of yoking student interests to powerful searching and presenting techniques.

Who is Sugata Mitra:
In 1999, Sugata Mitra and his colleagues dug a hole in a wall bordering an urban slum in New Delhi, installed an Internet-connected PC, and left it there (with a hidden camera filming the area). What they saw was kids from the slum playing around with the computer and in the process learning how to use it and how to go online, and then teaching each other.

In the following years they replicated the experiment in other parts of India, urban and rural, with similar results, challenging some of the key assumptions of formal education. The "Hole in the Wall" project demonstrates that, even in the absence of any direct input from a teacher, an environment that stimulates curiosity can cause learning through self-instruction and peer-shared knowledge. Mitra, who's now a professor of educational technology at Newcastle University (UK), calls it "minimally invasive education."

Website extras for LibrarySparks Magazine

"LibrarySparks Magazine is an indispensable resource bursting with fun and engaging programming ideas for today's elementary school and children's librarian. The pages of the magazine are brimming with practical, ready-to-use lessons and activities that are written by readers just like you. In addition, each issue centers on a theme to help keep your programming fresh and inspired."

The magazine website has a number of extras available even if you are not a subscriber. Explore PDF downloads of interviews and activities for TLs to use with their students.

Some examples of what's available:
Percy Jackson activities:
Here's a sample of a PDF download (via Google Viewer)

Curriculum Connections:
Fairy Tale Discussion guide.

Recognize your Library Pages with a name tag

Looking for a fun way to recognize the work your Library Pages are doing? Depending on your group and your school, generating fun "nametags" might be just the ticket. You can personalize typical-looking nametags, or create ones based on books, or characters or a promotion you are running. With a colour printer, these can be put on sticky labels, or printed on card stock to go in a namecard lanyard.