Library Links

"Content that might be of interest to Teacher-Librarians..."


Bookmas Tree anyone?

Holiday display for you library?
Think about how you might spice up your holiday display using those old encyclopedias that haven't been checked out in a while!



Black iPad Display Stand

Thinking about using an iPad as a search station?
[Link to tablet display cases]
Use an iPad stand like this one. Simply put a Safari shortcut on an iPad desktop that points to your Destiny catalog or download the Destiny Quest app and browse the collection that way.  Cheaper than a stand-alone computer, a space saver too. (It is available in white, silver or black.)



Reconciliation Through Indigenous Education | edX course

MOOC exploring Indigenous ways of knowing in classrooms

"This Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) explores strategies, teaching exemplars, and resources that support the teaching and learning of Indigenous ways of knowing in classrooms, schools and communities. (Video intro: )"


The "KYVL for Kids" Research Portal - How to do research?

Get on the Research Rocket
Check out this interactive diagram that walks students through the steps needed to do "good" Research: lots of explanation, definitions, examples and printables.

(Here's a version with sound and animation: )

Step 1: Plan your project
Step 2: Search the Library
then Search the Internet
Step 3: Take Notes
Step 4: Use the information
Step 5: Report Out
Step 6: Evaluate "How did I do?"


What’s Good? Curating and Evaluating Video Content

Strategies and tips to help identify and evaluate videos
"Part of every educator's job is figuring out what content to share with students and video is no different. In this capacity, teachers become curators of videos, finding quality content that can be used for a particular purpose. Educators can curate videos on their own, looking for either instructional or supplemental content distinguishing the gold from the garbage. For time-strapped teachers looking for help with curation, here are some strategies and tips to help identify and evaluate videos without spending endless hours online."


Sustainability Classroom Resources from -> Resources for Rethinking

Connect students to important issues that are affecting our planet

"Developed by "Resources for Rethinking" to connect students to some of the efforts being made to solve important problems that are affecting our planet, Hot Topics are published during the school year to coincide with the timing of national and international campaigns taking place to raise awareness of these key issues. Each Hot Topic edition includes links to classroom materials from the "Resources for Rethinking" database that will encourage students and teachers to explore the environmental, economic and social dimensions of these issues and to take action in support of the larger campaign."


A "branded" cover slide for your presentations - Haiku Deck Blog

Creating a Logo Slide and more

Follow the instructions to create a "branded" cover slide for your presentations that feature the presentor, or the topic, or the audience! Haiku Deck seems to get better and better!


Digital Bytes - PBL from Common Sense Media

Another approach to Project-Based Learning

Digital Bytes teaches teens digital citizenship through student-directed, media-rich activities that tackle real-world dilemmas:

"Using the Digital Bytes website, teens choose a topic, or "Byte," that resonates with their interests. They learn from the real-world experiences of others who've encountered digital dilemmas that raise questions such as:

  • Why does cyberbullying happen, and how can you stand up for yourself and others?
  • When is it OK to copy something from the Internet?
  • How can the Internet help you launch a new project or bring a community together?
  • Why should you care if websites track what you do online?
"Teens then express their ideas for how they'd respond to these questions by creating multimedia projects, presentations, and videos that showcase their authentic voices and talents.


How Comics & Graphic Novels Can Help Your Kids Love To Read!

Visit a visual wonderland. (pdf download)

Some ideas and resources to support using Comics and GN in class.

"Not only are [comics and graphic novels] fun, they're an incredible tool for helping create a genuine love of reading. While the connection of words and pictures at first seems playful, the skills readers develop help provide a practical foundation for other kinds of learning. From verbal and visual literacy to critical thinking and memory, comics are a great tool to give young readers a head start."


New Novels in Verse for Teens

Rhythmic verse and a love for language

"Looking at realistic fiction published for teens and tweens in 2014, it seems like the year of verse. Some people love novels in verse, and some people hate them. Wherever you fall on that spectrum, here are a few you will want to consider for your library."



Sci-Fi YA Periodic Table | Oh, the Books!

A fun way to browse YA sci-fi titles

"Each color in the Sci-Fi YA Periodic Table represents a different genre or type of content. [...] in the top left hand corner of each box, I chose to include the average Goodreads rating. This average was taken at the end of October, so could be different to the current average Goodreads rating."
