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Draw your own Pigeon

More "Pigeon" activities.
Use a projector or SMARTboard to show students how to draw Pigeon.
The teacher could even "demo" this for the class!

"Explain that their pigeon can do anything they want him to do. Then have them complete the sentence starter, the pigeon wants to ... and add details to their picture."

Pigeon Books - SMARTboard activities

Read Elephant and Piggy and Pigeon books...then go to the web site and play the games...on your SMART board. (or LCD projector)

"Watch Elephant and Piggy dancing after reading "I am invited to a Party" and play the Top the Hot dog game after reading, "The Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog."

Full Day Kindergarten Resource

Here are some important links for Full Day Kindergarten.
You may wish to forward them to your FDK teachers, and/or your Admin.

BC Ministry of Ed Website

FDK program guide (PDF)

Resources and Links

Setting the Stage for Reading (video clips)

Teach by grabbing your students' attention!

Teaching Content Outrageously:
How to Captivate All Students and Accelerate Learning
[LINK] Google Books preview
By Stanley Pogrow

"Drawing from a teaching model designed to banish boredom and student apathy, this book explains how dramatic practices can serve as powerful tools for enlivening lessons and captivating students, even the most resistant learners. Filled with intriguing classroom examples, Pogrow shows how any teacher can make use of dramatic techniques, such as surprise, humor, fantasy, role plays, games, and simulations to create standards-based content lessons that are riveting, effective, and meaningful. The author explains how to design such lessons into any content area."

Jesse Schell - When Games Invade Real Life - TED

Are you interested in finding out a bit more about how the Gaming industry is making inroads into everyday life, or how some say it might be used in classrooms? Jesse Schell has some interesting things to say. "Beyond Facebook, beyond consoles and even computer screens, games are becoming the medium for everyday life."
At the DICE Summit, he makes a startling prediction: a future where 1-ups and experience points break "out of the box" and into every part of our daily lives.



Sites offrants des e-livres gratuits en français

Some books that might be good for senior French students.

Ebooks Libres et Gratuits :
Livres pour tous :


Digital books - in French

Some book sites to explore: (digital and print)

The article below (in French) has many excellent links and interesting info about the world of digital books in the francophone world.

21st Century Learning - Some resources to checkout

For those of you looking for some additional reading in this exciting area. (Thanks Ray)

1.  Transforming American Education:  Learning Powered by Technology
This is the draft of the American national tech plan, located at  As a document, it summarizes many contemporary themes about how schools might change, and technologies role in supporting them.  This is the document about which Alec Couros said, "Don't tease me!"

Cisco has supported several interesting papers on this and the global learning theme.  Another recommendation on this site is Leadbeater's Learning from the Extremes.

This is one of many documents and resources produced by the Partnership for 21st Century Skills.  The Guide and its supporting materials assist educators and administrators in measuring the progress of their schools in defining, teaching and assessing 21st century skills. 

4.  Warlick, D. (2004). Redefining literacy for the 21st century. Worthington, Ohio: Linworth Pub.  Amazon details at  In 2009, Warlick updated the content in the book Redefining Literacy 2.0   More of his stuff is online at

5. Leadbeater, C. (2005). The shape of things to come: Personalised learning through collaboration. Nottingham: DfES Publications.
Possibly better known for his recent book, We-Think, Leadbeater produced several documents for the UK's Innovation Unit, including this one, which focuses on the benefits of highly personalised learning and the implications for networks of schools and communities. The other Innovation Unit publications are also worth a browse or two, along with other works by Valerie Hannon or John Abbott.  Related sites:  The 21st Century Learning Initiative

6. Mulford, B. (2008). The leadership challenge: Improving learning in schools. Australian education review, no. 53. Camberwell, Vic: ACER Press.
A gateway into much of this thinking, with a focus on implications for school leadership.

7.  Also, for Twitter users, it would be worth paying attention to George Siemens (, Alec Couros (, and the folks they follow on Twitter. 

Bayeux Tapestry sites

Animated version of the Bayeux Tapestry.
Starts about halfway through the original work at the appearence of Halley's Comet and concludes at the Battle of Hastings in 1066.

Create your own version

View the entire work


Supporting Readers Who Struggle, K-4

Catching Readers Before They Fall
"Every teacher of reading plays a vital role in helping to catch those readers for whom learning to read does not come easily. If you have ever been at a loss for what to say and do when confronted with a child who struggles—this book is for you."
Preview the book online!
Pat Johnson and Katie Keier  c: 2010