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Six-Word Memoirs - SMITH Magazine

It's all about word choice

Look at some examples of this writing form.

"Writing in Six Words is a simple, creative way to get to the essence of anything—from the breaking news of the day to your own life and the way you live it. ...More than 700,000 short stories have been shared on Six-Word Memoirs and its younger cousin, SMITH Teens. In classrooms and boardrooms, churches and synagogues, veterans' groups and across the dinner table, Six-Word Memoirs have become a powerful tool to catalyze conversation, spark imagination or break the ice.

Main site:

Take the Ed Tech Challenge

A technology integration course for educators
"This a self-paced, scaffolded technology integration course for educators. This course was the collaborative effort of school districts all over the nation- and the content for this course was created by technology integrators, classroom teachers, Google Apps Certified Trainers and Teachers, and ISTE award winners. All of the suggestions we give are grounded in practice- they are techniques we actually use and we know work! We've flipped this course so that you can learn when you have time, and we've created templates, videos, and resources so that you can start using those tools right away."


Katzie Learning Commons: Building Fun!

Maker Spaces in your library?
Lynne (my wife) shared this activity on her library blog after reading "Building Our House" with the Gr 3s. She had bought a number of base plates, doors, windows and regular blocks of "Briktek " (which works with Lego) from Scholar's Choice and hopes to incorporate regular building sessions when she can.



Media Literacy 101 | MediaSmarts

Media & Digital Literacy Fundamentals
MediaSmarts explore digital literacy and media literacy and the underlying aspects and principles for each of these skill sets.  To help teachers introduce key concepts of media literacy to elementary students, MediaSmarts has partnered with Concerned Children's Advertisers to develop a suite of videos on each of the key concepts. Each video is accompanied by a lesson plan that reiterates the main ideas from the videos and helps students expand and apply what they've learned.


Numberphile - Videos about Numbers and Stuff

Love numbers?
Brady Harren posts videos that explain a range of number concepts and math ideas!


The Complete Twitter Guide

Get your black belt in Twitter

"Even though half the universe is on Twitter these days, beginning out of nothing isn't always that evident. If you really want your Twitter to fly high, it doesn't end with just creating an account. In 40+ pages, this guide from MakeUseOf (May 2010) tackles every Twitter feature, tip and trick you can think of. Learn to work the interface, how to tweet from your desktop, as well as cool Twitter bots and funniest people to follow. This free Twitter guide will get you a black belt in Twitter in no time.

(Some of the sites referred to are no longer active, but the basic information is a good overview for new users.)
