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Read-Aloud Handbook - Jim Trelease

Selected Web content from "The Read-Aloud Handbook"

What's in the web-version of the Handbook?
Each web chapter consists of several excerpts from the print chapter but the excerpt represents only about 15 percent of the actual chapter. (The actual book contains 400 pages, - posted here is a representative sample of the book's contents, excerpts from the research and anecdotes in its chapters, and a listing of books from the Treasury of Read-Alouds.)

What's in the print Handbook?
The book divided into two parts: the first half contains the "ways" and "whys" of raising readers; and the last half consists of an annotated bibliography of almost 1000 children's books for reading aloud, from picture books to novels and anthologies, with synopses and guides to the age of the audience for which it was written.
[Google Books preview]
