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DROP EVERYTHING and READ BC 2014 - Oct 27th

Love reading? Promote this!
Drop Everything and Read 2014 - here are the details

  • WHO? You, your friends, family members, colleagues, classmates, coworkers...
  • WHERE? Wherever you are: classroom, hallways, office...
  • WHEN? Monday, October 27, 2014; 11:00 a.m. - 11:20 a.m. (or a time of your choosing)
  • HOW? Stop whatever it is that you are doing and...just read!
  • WHY? Because the love of reading is a beautiful, valuable, lifelong habit that everyone should enjoy, every day.
In order to collect some stats, please consider filling out the form on the DEaR blog. (If you don't want to use your name, you can simply fill in initials.)
