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Check out this Kahoot! - 'Hallowe'en Safety'

Like a gameshow - but educational!

10 questions every kid should be able to answer before "trick or treating". (Thanks Lynne at KatzieLLC for this quiz.)  Kahoot! is a new take on quizzing. Just like the poll game kids play before a movie in the theatre, students can use iPads, iPhones, iPods, laptops, in fact any web enabled device, to play. Simply launch the quiz on a computer connected to a projector, and have kids go to and enter the PIN provided.

You can get a free account at to create your own. Only the teacher needs an account. Kids play without signing in. (The game asks kids for a "nickname" - use a number or initials. If you get an inappropriate monicker, click on it to boot them from the session.)
