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"mini-TFO" - French learning clips for primary

TFO, la télévision éducative et culturelle de l'Ontario français,
(educational and cultural television of francophone Ontario)
TFO producea a great show for kids called "mini-TFO". You will find many archived clips from their show on a variety of topic. Great for primary students learning French. Check under "catégories" to see the many themes available.

I've posted some of them below for direct access.

mini-TFO - comptines (story songs)
Scroll down for more comptines

mini-TFO - songs
Scroll down for more chansons

mini-TFO- bon ou moins bon (healthy eating)
Scroll down for more clips

mini-TFO - histoires (short stories told with puppets)
Scroll down for more clips

mini-TFO - l'artiste (art themes)
Scroll down for more clips

mini-TFO - lecture (reading practice - 59 clips)
Scroll down for more clips

Mini-TFO Activities site
