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Study Guides for Film/DVDs

This UK site (Film Education) has a wealth of information and suggestions for using film/DVDs in the classroom. There are also a number of lesson plans for specific titles.

Teaching Resources: "Our free resources cover a wide range of curriculum areas and include film clips, Teachers' Notes and a range of activities."

"At Film Education, we believe that film is a powerful tool that can help learners understand and access their world and other worlds – real and imagined. Part of our remit is to encourage young people to learn by viewing, and to be critical consumers of what they see: an ability to appreciate and analyse film is an empowering skill and one that is increasingly important for young people.

The combination of sound and moving image in film provides a unique means of accessing settings, subject matter and styles that might otherwise prove difficult to comprehend. The perspectives offered by the camera lens also provoke reaction and response: elation or disquiet; sympathy or indignation; wonderment or comprehension – and, more importantly, a desire to find out more."